Installing CMIstark

Prerequisites and obtaining CMIstark

Since CMIstark is written in Python, you need to install Python; CMIstark requires Python version 3.5 or higher.

In addition, you need various Python extension packages, these include

  • cmiext
  • NumPy
  • SciPy
  • Tables
  • Matplotlib

CMIstark is avaiable on GitHub, please contact Jochen Küpper <> for further details.

Installing CMIstark

A normal installation is performed by simply running the command:

python install

However, often you do not have the administrative rights to install in global directories, or simply do not want to overrride a global installtion. In this case, you might want to perform a local installation in your user directory using:

python install --user

A similar setup can be achieved using:

python develop --user

which, however, sets up the installation in such a way that changes to your source directory are automatically and immediately visible through the installed version. This avoids repeated re-installs while you are developing code.

Once you are satisfied with your changes you might consider reinstalling using one of the above two options.

Fur further details of develop install, see

Installing CMIstark: in user-specified path

Use PYTHONUSERBASE to specify the installation path:

python install --user

In the above example of installation (in tcsh shell), the module will be installed in the following path:


and the scripts will be installed in the following path:


To import modules and call scripts of such user-specific installation, the following environment declarifications are required:

setenv PATH /opt/local/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH

The above example is provided for the tcsh shell. You can also then use site module of python in python command prompt to make sure the environment is properly set up. For example:

>>> import site
>>> site.USER_BASE

Also type “which name of script file” to find the real path of the script called. It should be in “$HOME/.local/bin”.

For further details, see and